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As you begin the process to get a new mortgage, whether for a home purchase or a refinance loan, your lender will order an appraisal for the property to determine how much it is worth. That valuation will play a large part in your overall mortgage plan. I
Apr 11, 2023 | Purchasing a Home
Your home is probably one of your most valuable assets, especially if you’ve been there for many years. As you near retirement age, you may ask yourself, would it be better to stay in my house as long as possible or to sell it and rent once I retire? The
Apr 06, 2023 | Purchasing a Home
According to a recent survey, almost a quarter of millennials and Gen Z homeowners said their parents had given them money in the past year to help with a rent or mortgage payment. That’s not hard to understand considering how much skyrocketing inflation
Apr 04, 2023 |